I'm right at 9 weeks and of all places my shoulder will not quit itching. It started around the time that I conceived. That's the only reason I figured it had something to do with me being pregnant.
I haven't changed detergent or anything. There's no rash.. no bumps... no anything. I mean it's getting dry from me constantly scratching it though. I've drenched it with hydrocorisone cream but to no avail! It wakes me up at night too. Even my hair brushing across it will make it start up again if it happens to calm down.
Any explanations? I go back to the doctor in a couple of weeks, so I'll ask her then... But in the mean time any suggestions? I know it's got to have something to do with me being pregnant... because me being pregnant is the only thing that has changed in the past 9 weeks!!!
9 weeks pregnant and itching!!!?
It is NOT NORMAL and it could be DANGEROUS for your baby.
This answer is also for those answering this question that are also itching with out a rash .
Cholestasis of Pregnancy
The only rash like symptom you may have is where you have scratched so much that you make your skin bleed.
Itching during pregnancy especially in the 3rd trimester,
There is a risk to your baby, STILL BIRTH if delivered later than 37 weeks, ICP/OC carries and increased risk of premature labor, fetal and maternal hemorrhaging, fetal distress, and most importantly, stillbirth.
Please visit and READ Information at
Search the web for Cholestasis of Pregnancy or ICP
There is also a news report at www.wkyc.com and clink on the "Itchy Moms" story
Itching can be more dangerous than you think during pregnancy.
Not all doctors a familiar with Obstetric Cholestasis.
If you go to www.itchymoms.com you will see that most doctors will just brush it aside as a hormonal itch but the result of those pregnancies end up with a sad ending.
I believe it is better to be safe than sorry!!!!!!!!
Go straight to your DR and ask about Cholestasis of Pregnancy or ICP.
It is to do with your liver and pregnancy hormones.
I have had this with 3 of my 4 pregnancies.
All it is, is a simple itch that will drive you crazy that is the only symptom.
Ask to have your Serum Bile Acid Test (SBA)
tested this is the only test that will diagnose OC/ICP, it is a specialized test that can take a week or longer to get back.
Argue with your Dr if you have to, it is worth it.
Liver function tests (LFT) and blood counts DO NOT diagnose OC/ICP the only can help the diagnoses in conjunction with Bile salt tests .
An itch doesn't seem much but it can be FATAL to your baby if it goes undiagnosed.
The itching can be any where, I had it on my legs and arms at first.
I don't want to scare you but please realize this is very important
pregnancy #4 I started to itch at week 8
9 weeks pregnant and itching!!!?
have you been in the sun at all?
9 weeks pregnant and itching!!!?
If you are talking about your body itching.. it is very normal. I think it has something to do with your skin stretching. but you shouldnt scratch it. The more you scratch the more you might be prone to stratch marks. Use palmers lotion to help with the stratch marks. and as around for anything that might relieve the itch.
I think the palmers lotion will even help a little with the itch.
9 weeks pregnant and itching!!!?
You're allergic to being pregnant! lol. Gosh, I don't know what to tell you. I used to get that way in casts when I was little. Do you have a partner that can scratch it for you? for encouragement listen to ttb.org.
9 weeks pregnant and itching!!!?
is hydrocortisone cream okay to use? hm, i didn't know...
try moisturizing daily. my skin got itchy %26amp; if i moisturize it isn't as bad. it's really dry now that i'm pregnant.
9 weeks pregnant and itching!!!?
hormones, heat. try asking your doc, for methylprednisone. i think it actually helps the baby. it is a steriod. i am on it and it helps my fibromyalgia, allergies asthma, strength and smell all in one pill. you take it for 5 days and your fine except for a raging headache in the heat or eating like a horse. find something for hubby to do cause you won't sleep.
9 weeks pregnant and itching!!!?
skin is probably beginning to get dry so keep mosturizing lotion on the area where it itches. And do it a couple times a day. And tie ur hair up so it doesn't brush on 'em
9 weeks pregnant and itching!!!?
That is so funny you wrote that today... This morning of the Today show on NBC they did a segment on itching in pregnancy, I would recommend you go too their website and read about what they had to say, It was really interesting. I remember they did say that itching was common during pregnancy but that sometime it is a symptom of a more serious condition that exist with your liver and the baby must be born preterm. I would let your OB know as soon as possible,
9 weeks pregnant and itching!!!?
This happened to me too but it was only on my hands and feet! It will go away but in the mean time try to constantly moisturize because it really will help, I know it sucks now but it will pass and be sure to mention it to your doc when you see him or her! Congrats on your pregnancy too!!!
9 weeks pregnant and itching!!!?
I would ask your doctor to have your liver enzymes checked. If this itchiness is quite bad, I would go to see her sooner than later. Normally, women who are pregnant do have elevated liver enzymes, but they should still be below a certain level. The elevated liver enzymes are what might be causing your itch. Do you have any other signs of liver problems such as jaundice??
9 weeks pregnant and itching!!!?
It's not your skin...It's your nerves. Pregnancy causes not only the softening of skin but also causes an internal hypersensitivity to touch...hence, your nerves are touchy, literally...the baby is getting on your nerves...try cool towels to soothe them.
9 weeks pregnant and itching!!!?
This is just a guess, but it could be the hives. I am 9.5 weeks pregnant, and I have a little patch, but it's not the kind of itching your are describing. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DESCRIBING. I had that type of itching about 6 wks prior to my getting married 1.5 years ago. It was the hives. Sometimes you could see the "hives" sometimes not, but it itched like a mo-fo (sorry for the crassness, but it's the only way to describe). My doc (dermatologist) gave me an antihistamine (sp?), and it helped bu tshe said the best remedy is TO IGNORE the itching (I was thinking, yea, right). So, I feel your pain b/c it was the most irritainting thing in the world. I would call your doc and let her know the drill on your itcching. I feel for you.
9 weeks pregnant and itching!!!?
It could be your changing hormones. My skin itched a lot during my first trimester. Try taking a lukewarm bath with Aveeno Oatmeal Bath. It is safe for mom and baby. Good luck! :o)
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