Hey just wondering what everyone thinks about this: I was thinking of something that happened to me when I was a freshman in high school. I was doing my math hw in my room and my door was locked. suddenly a hair brush flew accross the room and hit the wall. I was not drunk/high, I never saw any sort of apparition and nothing like that ever happened to me again in that house. Im not particularly religious (although I do belong to a religion), and very educated(esp. in science) and I cant for the life of me figure out what happened, or at the very least what it means...any ideas?
It could have been a poltergeist phenomenon -- they are often associated with young teens. Were you upset or stressed out about something at the time? If so, that might have been a one-shot display of telekinetics.
Or it may have been a passing discarnate entity trying to get your attention. Some of them have a strange sense of humor and will move things. It's hard to say what it was.
the old Mexican Jumping Hairbrush Trick
I think demons charade around as ghosts. That hair brush needs an exorcism :p
Could be, but I shouldn't worry if nothing else happened again.
i never believe in ghost, they are never known in my country.
it could be a spirit, altought i dont believe in ghosts/spirits
i think those are ghosts or spirits but i 'm soo not sure.
Could be the work of poltergist...
British parapsychologists have a term-"electric girl"-referring to certain young girls who become a focus for poltergeist activity, particularly as their bodies undergo the change to womanhood. Some believe that hormonal imbalance allows for an individual to access subconsciously the untapped potential of the human mind. It generally is just a phase in life, and passes with maturity.
Got any brothers or sisters who like to pull pranks?
I actually had a similar experience. I was leaving the bathroom one morning and a hair brush was physically hurled from across the room at me. I believe it was a ghost/spirit. We had other phenomena in that house just as strange. One day I came home and all the cupboard doors in the kitchen were open. Another day I came home to find select items that had been used in a ritual the night before during a house cleansing had all been tipped over, but the stuff around them remained untouched. Things like that. I really wish we would have done some serious investigation. But to be honest, I just did a stronger house cleansing and that seemed to work. To this day I honestly don't know what to think about the experience.
What you experience was the presence of a demonic spirit trying to inspire fear in you. Demons will do certain things like that to inspire fear in you. If they can inspire fear in you, they can open the door for disasters to happen in your life. Demons try to implement spiritual laws which can cause people to lose their life. For example, the bible says, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he". That's a spiritual law. So, if demons can get you to think something bad or believe something will kill you. Eventually it will come to pass according to that spiritual law. There was a demon who would knock my clock off my dresser and knock my clock off the wall just before I would go to sleep every night. Then the Lord started showing me to rebuke him in the name of Jesus Christ and it stopped happening.
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