Friday, November 27, 2009

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals ne

Any natural protection to animals' teeth-health?. No bad-breath/bacteria problems in mouth of the animals?.

Similarly what are the reasons where animals' hair/nails do not grow abnormally beyond a point when it happens so to un-caring humans?

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

They DO!!Like humans, dogs need their teeth brushed to live longer and eliminate harmful bacteria. I use a special dog toothbrush,and a paste for dogs teeth as well. Pet owners are increasingly aware that the indoor environment we keep them in also requires us to clip their nails,brush,bathe and more!

My cat has her teeth done by the vet to remove dangerous plaque from under the gum, a normal indoor cat situation that causes bad breath and shorter life.I do the nails as she is a very easygoing cat.

Honestly there are people that care less about their health and sadly that of their pets needs too.

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

Because animals would find it difficult to use a toothbrush, perhaps God made it so they don't really need to brush their teeth - just a guess.

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

Most animals have a shorter lifespan. Generally, their teeth are succeptible to decay just like ours, but they won't need them for 70+ years, so they won't be as likely to decay in their lifetime. They also don't eat as many foods that cause tooth decay. In the wild, if an animal looses it's teeth, it won't survive. Sharks lose thousands of teeth in their lifetime, but new ones always come in.

As far as nails go, some animals file their nails down by scratching (cats).

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

Humans don't NEED to brush their teeth. They just live longer if they do!

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

lifespan is part of the reason, but also, most animals don't feed their pieholes with sugary/starchy food like humans do.

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

Other animals life spans are shorter, and their diet is different. Also, healthy teeth are much more important in the survival of other species than in humans. Humans can compensate for their lack of teeth with more intelligence than what other animals have. However, given enough time animals will also lose their teeth with old age.

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

think about what we eat as humans...sugar,caffiene,alchohol...for those who drink and /or tobacco products...and plus..our saliva is a different genetic make-up than theirs

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

Humans chew and leave little in the mouth to decay. Animals completely rinse the remaining food in their mouths with their saliva afer they finish eating. watch cats! Also they dont go around eating rubbish, whether they are hungry or not !

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

humen don't need to brush their teeth if we don't want to.

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

who said animals wont have bad breath u just try some wild animals or go to zoo and find it out with the curator .domesticated animals will have soft food to eat which will be cleaned with their tounges like dogs do.u just feed ur dog with biriyani ,chicken and mutton and then observe its breath it really disgusting.coming to nails and hair the type of enveronment and habits make them like that like cats we can see that they keep their nails polishing on bark of tree or rough surfaces and similarly they keep on rubbing their body to floor which will make their hair fall continuously.try putting a cat or dog by not making all these things than u definately see the result with growing nails and hair.

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

animals eat different kinds of grass, etc.. and keep themselves clean and fresh

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

You should brush your dog or cat's teeth everyday or at least once a week with pet toothpaste. They can get diseases like gingivitis.

The length of their hair is in their DNA. Nails can grow very long so they need to be trimmed.

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

Dogs can have problems with their teeth when they get older if not brushed

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

vets suggest that we DO brush our dog and cats teeth, they even make special dog and cat toothpaste that is meat flavored. Many people do this on a regular basis, some people don't. Kind of depends on how cooperative the pet is.

If humans need to brush their teeth daily once or twice (for hygienic reasons) why do not animals need it so?

animals are more wise than men. they eat what is good for them. if they do not like the food which they have to ability to tell by simply sniffing it. man eats all sorts of junks. hence animals do not need brushing and man does twice daily. for men brushing a little advise. after your finish eating any thing, put one sip of water in your mouth swirl it for few second and drink it away. this gives your stomach the minutest part of food which is digestible easily.

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