Saturday, November 28, 2009

My hair and products. Please read, hair people.?

I have layered dark brown hair and side bangs. My hair goes a little bit past my shoulders. It is straight, well kinda with maybe a little tiny wave in it. I have to wash it everyday, seriously, or it gets MAJORLYYYY greasy if I skip a day. Throughout the day my hair gets very frizzy, staticky, and very greasy at the top. I am currently using Herbal Essence Dangerously Straight Shampoo and no conditioner because conditioner makes it way greasier. I don't use like hairspray or gel, only shampoo. I barely touch my hair or brush it, only when necessary. I sometimes straighten it, but only sometimes. Can anyone suggest any products or techniques or something? ALL answers are accepted, Thanks!

My hair and products. Please read, hair people.?

my advise for frizzy hair: sunsilk 24/7 creme, in green (anti-frizz) if you don't glop it on, which you should never do no matter what you use, it will work like a charm. no frizz, all gone! i just got a free sample. you could try their website, just google sunsilk. otherwise, for straightening hair, to reduce the kinda frizzy look (at least my hair gets these hairs that stick out when i straighten it, usually the shorter hairs) i use the herbal essences dangerously straight spray. it makes my hair soft too, but too much will make hair stickyish. no hairspray. i dont use it either, cause it can make hair sticky, or makes your hair like a shell : (

My hair and products. Please read, hair people.?

If you have to wash your hair everyday, then only shampoo your roots and condition your ends to help balance out the moisture.

Blow dry medium, not hot. Try velcro rollers for body. Try a little bit of mousse to add texture.

If you are using straightening shampoo, then it likely has an additive that is weighing your hair down and adding oil. Try using a clarifying shampoo and conditioner one week and then a shampoo and conditioner for oily hair the other week. Keep alternating.

Wash your brush once a week.

Try Infusium 23, La Coupe, Marc Anthony, Got2B - all available from Wal-mart.

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