she was born with silky straight hair. it was thick, now its in patches around her head. when i wash her hair, i brush it and put vaseline in it to keep it from being dry. is that wrong? if so, how can i take care of her hair?
My baby's hair is falling out!?
its friends baby was born with thick black hair...when she was 3 months old, she was completely bald, this all happened within that time period, it just didnt happen overnight...the doctor said that it was normal and nothing to worry about....alot of it has to do with the amount of time babies spend on their backs, that can cause patching on the back of their heads....
all babies hair falls out, whether it be a tiny bit, or they go if she was severely sick and her hair was falling out, i would be worried...if you are still concerned, ask your pediatrician
My baby's hair is falling out!?
How old is your baby? My baby was also born with hair and she hasn't started losing it but I was told sometimes they lose all of the hair that their born with. A friend of mine both of her children lost all of the hair they had at birth.
My baby's hair is falling out!?
It happens to most babies, it'll come back don't worry.
My baby's hair is falling out!?
It's totally normal for babies (especially newborns) to lose hair or even go bald in some places. Don't worry, it doesn't mean anything is wrong or that your baby is sick. Our baby is going through the same thing right now (she's 9 days old). She was born with a FULL head of thick, soft hair and now it's thinning in the back and around her forehead. The doctor warned us that it might happen. It will grow back soon.
My baby's hair is falling out!?
The hair falling out is normal. It will grow back, don't worry.
But Vaseline is a PETROLEUM product and I would not be using it on a newborn!!
Use baby oil instead, or ask your baby's doctor what to use. There might be something new on the market that I am not aware of.
My baby's hair is falling out!?
babies lose their baby hair. this is perfectly normal. in addition, babies also loose hair where they lay their head. i would use baby oil, not Vaseline.
don't worry. its so normal.
My baby's hair is falling out!?
its normal i wouldn't use Vaseline id use baby oil my son was born with dark hair and it just sort of peeled off i used oil and a baby brush on his head it has now came back in blond and make sure you brush it in the direction that it lays or it'll just look worse as it falls out i think that's probably why they have so many cute baby hats on the market i use one till it wasn't a noticeable
My baby's hair is falling out!?
it is normal both my daughters hair full out and came back thicker and dacker so donot worry.
My baby's hair is falling out!?
NORMAL%26lt; NORMAL%26lt; NORMAL.....many babies first born hair falls out. It usually is a result of where the head rubs in the crib/car seat etc...and you cannot stop it. Newborn hair is usually replaced be a coarser child hair and can be a different color/texture than that with which the baby was first born had pale yellow hair....a very pretty soft blond all ALL fell out within 3 months...then she grew back a soft brown and by the time she went to school her hair was jet black!
My baby's hair is falling out!?
Completely normal! I wouldn't put anything on her scalp unless it is peeling and baby oil with aloe would probably be better. Let it fall out because the new hair could be different and exciting. My son was born with dark straight hair and now he has blonde curls!
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