Friday, November 27, 2009

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always arou

She hasn't lost weight, there is no flaking of the skin, she doesn't seem to scratch any more often than she normally would. As far as I can tell, she's still as active as she normally would be. She's indoors about 20-23 hours a day. She hasn't been fighting with any other cats. I haven't changed her bed, food, or brand of litter. When I rub her on her balding spot, she actually seems to like it. She's about 10 years old, and she's done this in the spring several times before. Her temp is normal, and she seems perfectly healthy. I have taken her to the vet before, but he said it was most likely from age or allergies, he told me to brush her more often. That's been about 3 years ago, but it seems to be fully re-grown by summer every year. I'm just curious if anyone else's cat is doing the same thing, or if anyone knows if this is normal, and non-life threatening? This vet has been wrong before, but that was with a different animal... Thanks for your responses.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

My cat does the same thing, both spring and fall. I think it may well be some of the plants that he goes through when he's outside. I've found that cleaning wipes for cats (like baby wipes, but specifically for felines) help soothe the skin and let the hair grow back in faster. Sometimes when I notice him licking that area, I'll realize I'm behind on our topical flea and tick application, but sometimes not. The only think I would worry about is if she gets upset when you touch her along her sides from her ribs to her hind legs, and also licks there a lot. I've seen that be a sign of kidney disease.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

She's shedding her winter coat. Also depends on the climate where you live. Hot weather makes her lose more fur and cooler weather limits fur loss.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

it's normal, don't worry, my cat does too and she doesn't have any problem of any type

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

My cat had the same problem until i started her on kitty vitamins. Shedding may be a sign of vitamin deficiency.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

I have had cats that did this when they were stressed( and that could be caused by anything) but they do normally shed hair during the spring. One time I had a cat that did that on her hind legs due to allergies. Your vet may be right but that tends to be the answer when they don't know

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

it could be stress. it could also be a parasite under his skin. i just spent 130 on my cat getting him all fixed up for the same reason

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

Alergies...make sense if it happens around this time of year.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

i sshe preggers..animals shed around that area when they get knocked up!!

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

usually cats and dogs do this around certain times of the year. my little dog sheeds during the spring to. it's allergies. and sometimes can be brought on by food allergies. usually if it's at a certain time period it's probally just seasonal allergies.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

Animals always shed when the weather gets warmer. It's normal.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

Ask your vet about the possibility of an allergy.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

Is your cats hair actually falling out or does it feel like a crew cut, the hair is about 1/8 of an inch long. My cat does this every spring especially when the weather is getting warm, this is the time fleas are also starting to get active, she may be alergic to flea bites even if you dont see any all it takes is a couple of fleas and kitty starts chewing off the hair, this chewing is never done to where you can see her doing it, all you see as the days go by is her hair dissappearing on both sides of her belly and sometimes on her upper paws, advantage does the trick for me. In any case good luck and hope you get the problem resolved.

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